Tuesday 26 February 2013

Fun time

Here's a cover i've made for my fiancee, just a bit of fun;

Monday 25 February 2013

Confidential: Series 5 Cover!

Well its taken me most of a week but here is my cover for Confidential: Series 5;

There are now DVD covers for each series around on the internet, my next few covers will be a lot less time consuming - CD / VHS covers fitted into the Doctor Who R2 template.

Friday 22 February 2013

Updated Confidential Series 3

Changed my confidential series 3 cover around since having some helpful suggestions. I've straightened out the spine text, redone Tennant's head and John Simm looks much better now :)

Thursday 21 February 2013

Confidential 3 & Updated Tangled Web

Heres my attempt at Doctor Who Confidential: Series 3, originally it didn't have John Simm but then I learnt how to make things transparent and I will definantly be using the tool in the future.

Along with my slightly updated Tangled Web cover I noticed i'd forgotten to recolour inside the text of 'The Paul McGann years 1996-2005' bit and only noticed when i'd printed it, woops but its fine now, we learn from our mistakes :)

Just an update

Today i'm going to be printing off some of the covers i've made and put them into DVD cases which is wonderful for two reasons; first my Doctor Who DVD colection grows and second more importantly I can see if any can be improved when put side by side with others.

The covers i'll be doing next are:

The Comedy Sketches
Confidential: Series 3
Confidential: Series 5
Confidential: Series 6 (maybe)

Spin-off: Cyberon
Spin-off: Do you have a license to save this planet?
Spin-off: The Airzone Solution
Spin-off: Bidding Adieu

Spin-off: The Stranger: The Terror Game
Spin-off: The Stranger: Breach of the Peace
Spin-off: The Stranger: Eye of the Beholder
Spin-off: The Stranger: The Audio Adventures

Spin-off: P.R.O.B.E.: The Zero Imperative
Spin-off: P.R.O.B.E.: The Devil of Winterborne
Spin-off: P.R.O.B.E.: Unnatural Selection
Spin-off: P.R.O.B.E.: Ghosts of Winterborne

These are all stories where I can't find any existing custom covers in the Doctor Who R2 design. Most of these covers will probably be he original VHS / DVD covers moved into the format.

At some point I might redo my cover for 8th doctor audio; Fugitives to make the Daleks break the template and i've just seen an error on my cover for Tangled Web so will fix that and post it before anything else.

Please bear in mind that i'm not a professional with professionl tools just another Doctor Who fan, but one whos trying his hand at filling in the gaps in his (or anyone else's) DVD collection.

Having done these I have other ideas for adapting target books and VHS covers into the format to see the results. And i'll be doing plenty of random front covers to keep my enthusiasm up :)

If you like my covers please comment or have constructive feedback, suggestions or even requests feel free to post and i'll try my best.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Monday 18 February 2013

DW: The Pilot Episode & BF: The Dark Planet Proto

My cover for the pilot episode of doctor who, its taken me more a couple of hours but i'm certainantly very happy with it :)

Also my work in progress for the next big finish lost stories release, The Dark Planet. As its not out until September I can't find a synopsis so it will simply have to wait until nearer the audio's release before its finished.

My 1st DVD Covers

My primary mission: To create Doctor Who Region 2 DVD covers for audios and the more... 'obscure' that I can't find anywhere else on the internet :)

So here are my first attempts;